After-School Programs
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AKIM-Jerusalem’s after school program was created to assist the busy parents of children with special needs with a program to productively occupy the children’s afternoon hours. The program offers enriching and experiential programs conducted in a single locale, the local Ben Yehuda school. As soon as the regular school day ends, the program staff is there to meet the needs of the children. The children do not have to rely on bus transport and and cope with traffic jams in order to reach their afternoon activities. Just a sampling of these activities include:
- Active hours: sports, bicycle riding, Ninja athletics and Snoezelen facilities.
- Cultural activities: Music, theater and photography
- Quiet time: Story hours, creative activities and cooking
The counselors are selected on the basis of their experience and knowledge in working with children with special needs. The counselors participate in in-service programs to introduce them to the most innovative programs in the field of special needs.